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40th Anniversary of the German Pancreas Club 2020

13th February 2020 - 15th February 2020
Halle, Germany


It is a great pleasure for us to host the 40th DPC 2020 in Halle! Our joint annual conference has developed rapidly and positively in recent years and we feel very committed to it. We would like to continue this development, but of course set our own accents. These are mainly based on the tradition of the DPC, which was constituted with the aim of "better coordinating their scientific projects through regular meetings of German pancreatologists". In the first meetings, projects were discussed in concrete terms and methods were evaluated in order to design joint research projects as a result. This approach is more relevant than ever, which is why we have defined several academic-pancreatic thematic areas for which we have reserved time in the main program for in-depth discussions and the development of study protocols. Knowing that this requires thorough preparation, we have each requested younger and experienced pancreatologists to actively moderate these sessions. At the same time, it is important for us to emphasize interdisciplinarity in pancreatology in all its facets while using DPC 2020 as a platform for scientific and clinical exchange. We would therefore be very pleased if a great deal of interdisciplinary research work and project ideas were submitted and presented! As in previous years, it is possible to submit an abstract title, although we can only consider submissions with abstracts for the scholarships.

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