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JCNS Workshop 2020 — Trends and Perspectives in Neutron Scattering: Quantum Materials From Bulk to Nano

13th October 2020 - 16th October 2020
Tutzing, Germany


A tremendous interest in the fundamental research of quantum materials has been triggered by the recent improvements in superconductivity and magnetism in low dimensions, by the realization of emergent quasi-particles such as skyrmions and magnetic monopoles, as well as by the potential applications of such systems for future information technology. As unique probe for studying magnetism, neutron scattering matches the entire range of length- and time-scales relevant for many novel magnetic and electronic phenomena. The workshop is devoted to the area of quantum materials in all their forms and it will bring together experts with neutron scattering users to discuss recent developments and trends in the understanding of the magnetic properties of quantum materials tackled by neutron methods and complementary techniques. The workshop will discuss current requirements and developments in such techniques and it is particularly dedicated to novel and upcoming experimental opportunities to discuss the scientific options and capabilities.

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