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Keystone Symposia - Injury, Inflammation and Fibrosis

26th March 2017 - 30th March 2017
Snowbird, Utah, United States


Fibrosis is a common response of many organs to chronic injury and inflammation. This leads to destruction of organ architecture with loss of function. Until recently, there have been no therapies to slow the progression of fibrosis and to maintain normal organ function. Recent advances have provided new insights into the pathogenesis of fibrosis, new drug targets, and new drugs in clinical studies. This conference will bring together basic biologists and translational and clinical researchers to discuss core mechanisms underlying inflammation and fibrosis, to compare and contrast fibrotic diseases, preclinical models, the potential for regeneration and regression of fibrosis, and potential therapies. The interaction between the host genetics, the environment and the microbiome in the pathogenesis of fibrotic diseases will be addressed. Also, non-invasive methods to assess fibrosis including advanced imaging and intermediate biomarkers will be discussed. This conference will be a unique opportunity for investigators who are focused on organ-specific diseases a€“ i.e., medical subspecialists a€“ to participate in cross-disciplinary, multi-organ discussions in order to gain new insights into their research.

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