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13th Romanian Conference of Medical Physics

7th November 2015 - 8th November 2015
Cluj-Napoca, Romania


"13th Romanian Conference of Medical Physics" (incorporating CFMR Annual General Meeting), dedicating the 7th of November in memory of Mariei Salomea Sk?odowska-Curie and November 8 of Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. This fall CFMR celebrate 135 years of existence of medical physics in Romania. On November 7, 2015 to celebrate the 3rd consecutive year, the "International Day of Medical Physics" (IDMP) as it was called by the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) is an important date in the history of medical physics. Technological change in the public health system in recent years has made the role of the medical physicist to become indispensable in the medical field. CFMR invite all Romanian medical physicists, teachers from the Faculty of Physics and Medicine who teaches courses in medical physics, students in medical physics, and representatives from relevant institutions, to participate in this event to decide the fate of medical physics Romanian the coming decades.

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