Why should you promote your research?
In science, the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to whom the idea first occurs. - Francis Darwin
This is an era of unprecedented scientific progress. The growing impact of technology has brought science ever more into our daily lives. Therefore, without a general awareness of science in the public domain there will be lack of a broad appreciation of scientific progress in the community.
There are many good reasons for scientists to participate in science communication:
- It highlights the individual efforts, and helps him/her to stand out.
- It spreads awareness about a specific project, mission or instrument.
- It highlights a specific result and the work of a group.
- It acknowledges the funding agency and helps to secure funding for future projects.
- Finally it benefits the scientific community as a whole by accelerating the inter-field knowledge transfer.
Writing a good interview
Any research work takes a huge effort. Research papers may be interesting to the scientific community, but do not attract general public attention. Therefore, it's important to focus on some points while writing a science outreach article.
Human interest
For instance "Astronomer discovers new galaxies". For scientific papers you may be interested in focusing on exact size, distance, constituents of the galaxy etc. However, discussing all these in a outreach article may not be a good idea. Instead, saying that its size is twice the size of the milky way, will be much more exciting to the non-scientific community.
Conflicts or consequences
Suppose your result settles a controversial debate or a much-debated topic that contains intrigues. Your research community may be aware of the debate, however, the consequences of your results may not be obvious to people outside your research community. Therefore, it's important to provide necessary background so that they can appriciate your results.
A mysterious phenomenon, quirky details, an unexpected result or a chance discovery are extremely interesting. However, when writing about those results it's important to provide necessary background. Discovery of a millisecond pulsar may be interesting to pulser researchers, but may not catch the attention of the general public unless necessary background is presented.
It is true that all good science communication is based on good science, but without good visuals the chances of selling the products vanish. Therefore, if you get an exceptionally beautiful image from some science experiment. It's important to bring it to general people. Everyone is interested in pictures or videos with aesthetic beauty and appreciate your work .
A sexy topic
Some topics almost always capture the attention of the public, despite not necessarily being great science, and therefore have a fast track to the headlines. Some examples from astronomy are: Solar System topics, space weather, black holes, extrasolar planets, extraterrestrial life, the future of the Earth and Sun and human spaceflight. In biology, Genetic engineering, Cloning etc.
Works on theory
Theoretical sciences are always fascinating to people. Therefore, if it is properly presented, it can make a really hot topic. Suppose your are working in string theory or quantum mechanics. While writing an article, it's important to focus on the field as a hole. Explain to people what is the importance of your research in the field instead of focusing on a particular equation that you have solved.
Why choose us?
Citation analyses suggest that 90% of academic papers are never cited and 50% are never read by anyone other than the authors, reviewers and a journal’s publication team - Lokman I. Meho

Thousands of research papers are being published everyday by researchers across the world. How often do you hear about these researches unless there is a media outreach? .
We value your research and believe that your research should be visible to the public and the individuals should get proper credits. We help you to promote your research through our social networking platform, through our social media pages, through email campaign and through Google ads.
Nice Visual
You may do a great science, but without a great visual you cant sell it to public. We will provide you attractive image for your article that will boost the quality of article. Apart from that you can also upload 4-5 images yourself.
No need for a personal blog
Blogging can be a useful tool to explain or expand on your research for a more general audience. Many researchers maintain their personal blog for promoting their research or write guest articles on other science blogs. However, maintaining a good personal blog costs a lot in terms of time and money. MachPrinciple can help you reach more audiences at a much lesser cost.
Free to access and share
Many other science outreach agencies charge several thousands of dollars for promoting a single article. Good science bloggers also charges 100s of dollars for publishing one guest article. MachPrinciple can help you to reach a huge crowd at a much cheaper price. People can access and share your articles completely free of cost.
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Science Articles
Monthly Pageviews
Publish your Interview
Publish your interview today with us and tell the world about your research. MachPrinciple can help you in getting proper recognition for your work.

MainPal Rajan
Researcher (Post. Doc.)
I really enjoyed working with the MachPrinciple. They did a wonderful job making our research accessible to a broader audience. I have never circulated by research to my friends and family before. But now this science popularization content about my research helps my family to understand my work. Thanks MachPrinciple!

Swagat Mishra
I had a really enjoyable experience working with the MachPrinciple, discussing about my research work on Primordial Black Holes. They were very helpful and professional during the interview and did a very effective job in making my research work accessible to a broader class of audience which has also helped my friends, family and colleagues understand my work quite well. I am thankful to MachPrinciple for this experience and looking forward to more in the future.

Santanu Das
Research Scientist
I enjoyed writing interview for MachPrinciple. The article have enabled us to put our research into context, making it accessible to a much wider audience. Many of my friends from non-scientific community can now understand what I am doing in my research.

Pragnya Mishra
I remember the pain of searching academic research work during postgrads years It would be a good platform for attaining and sharing knowledge.
Promote your latest research work at a price cheaper cheaper than your weekend dine-out
Basic Plan
- Publish your interview
- Upload upto 5 creatives
- Admin will provide one creative image
- email campaign to 5000 science enthusiasts
Regular Plan
- Publish your interview
- Upload upto 5 creatives
- Admin will provide one creative image
- email campaign to 10,000 people
- Promote through our social media. At least 15,000 impressions
Premium Plan
- Publish your interview
- Upload upto 5 creatives
- Admin will provide one creative image
- email campaign to 20,000 people
- Promote through our social media. At least 25,000 impressions
- Promote through google adwords.
Researchers of different institutes already published their interview with us

UW Madison
Physics & Astronomy
Physics & Astronomy
IISc, Bangalore
Neutrino Physics
Physics & AstronomyFrequently Asked Questions
Hopefully, you can find answers to all your questions here. For other questions please feel free to write to us.
Can you please describe the steps for writing an article?
Once you purchase a package, you will get redirected to the interview form. You will also receive the link through your email. In the interview form there will be about 5-6 standard questions. However, the researcher may modify the questions slightly such that they suite his or her research.
You have to answer each of the questions within 100 to 500 words. These answers should provide a broad description of your research field, the exact problem that you are solving, the new results that you obtain from your research and its significance etc. You also need to provide a brief details of your team and your future goal.
You can upload upto 5 images in the interview section. The quality of the images should be good. If you put a white image in the top then it will be replaced by a suitable image by admin.
After writing the answers, you need fill the Author details, short bio, author images, upto 4 References based on which you are writing the interview and list of institutes involved in the research. Full writing instructions will be emailed to you.
Once you submit the article, admin will check it and make corrections if there is any issue in the writing. If large modifications are required then admin will inform you. Once the corrections are made the interview will be published on MachPrinciple. Admin will promote it through email campaign, social media and through Google advertisement.
You are also free to promote it by sharing the article on your social media, sending it to your friends or through any other means.
Can I use images from Google for my article?
You can only use copy-right free images from google or the images that you make yourself. You may also purchase images from some image purchasing websites. Admin can provide you one image (provided you keep the top image blank) after submission of the article.
If you want to use images from others then you can email them and check if they give you permission to use their images. You must not use an image that you don't have permission to use.
Will MachPrinciple create explanatory image based on the article?
We will purchase a suitable image from external vendor for your article. User can also purchase images themselves from different websites for writing an article. However, most of the time if someone purchase images in a small quantity then it will cost, $20 to $50 per image. However, as we purchase the images in bulk it costs much less for us.
How are you different from network like New scientist or Scientific American?
We love both of the media outlet but we are not similar to anyone. We don't charge our readers. Also we don't have a print distribution. Also our articles are written by the scientist themselves, which is very much different from the journalism.
Apart from that we are a social networking portal for science enthusiasts. MachInterview is a special feature of that social networking portal where we can promote and publish the interviews by different researchers.
Why do you charge for writing an article?
We love to give our service completely free of cost. However, in that case we need to charge our readers, which we don't want. We believe that research should be accessible by everyone. In our portal we charge a very small amount for promoting your research to several thousands to people, in contrast to other science outreach portals, that can easily charge you several thousands of dollars. Even good bloggers can charge you hundreds of dollars for publishing a guest article on their blog.
However, if you are interested to use our social networking feature only then you can login to MachPrinciple and write some scrap on your scrapbook or some short article on your research. However, those parts are neither monitored nor promoted.
Is MachPrinciple a peer-reviewed journal?
No, MachPrinciple is a social networking website designed to connect academicians and science enthusiasts. MachPrinciple is not a peer-reviewed journal.
We publish interviews and science articles by different researchers. Although most of the interviews are based on some research papers which are already published in some peer reviewed journal or shared on some open-access research sharing platform like arXiv. We simply help researchers to make their research more accessible to the general public.
The articles and the interviews are written by the researchers themselves, which means the articles are true based on their description of the work. We don't have capability to judge accuracy of the scientific content.