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IMA Annual Program Workshop: Emerging Topics in Optics

24th April 2017 - 28th April 2017
IMA, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, United States


Optics and Photonics (O&P) is a dynamic field spanning from fundamental and applied physics to device design and engineering, in which a wide range of mathematical areas play an important role. In addition to the novelty and the breadth of applications of O&P, these areas have proven to be a source of new directions in mathematical modeling, analysis, and computation. This workshop will comprise lectures by and opportunities for interaction among mathematicians, physicists, and engineers on modeling and computation in nano-optics, meta-materials, and other areas of O&P, as well as their applications to, for example, nano-optical-mechanical systems, neuro-science, energy, and information storage and processing. The workshop will seek to identify opportunities for mathematicians and scientists in these fields to collaborate and contribute to these exciting areas.

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