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5th International Fluid Academy Days

26th November 2015 - 28th November 2015
Antwerp, Belgium


After the success of the first 4 IFAD editions on Nov 19th in 2011, Nov 17th 2012, Nov 29-30 in 2013, and Nov 27-29 in 2014, with the last edition being fully booked with over 500 participants; we are very excited to present you the Fifth Anniversary International Fluid Academy Days! A neglected topic for way too long, the interest in fluid therapy seems to be quickly rising as the medical community is making a shift from looking at fluids as a mere method of stabilization towards the appreciation of its relevant side effects. Fluids should be seen as any other drug with indications and contraindications and possible adverse effects.   Many questions remain to be answered indeed. What is the real impact of hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis induced by normal saline? What is the place of colloids? What is the best colloid? Do we still need human albumin? What is the place of the hypertonics? How is the crystalloid vs colloid debate evolving? What will the future bring us? Can capillary leak be treated with colloids instead of worsening it? What are the effects on the microcirculation? So it's all about the type and the dose of the fluid, and the time and the speed of administration.

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