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CosmoGold IAP 2019 — The golden age of cosmology from Planck to Euclid

24th June 2019 - 28th June 2019
Paris, France


Cosmology is living a scientific golden age characterized by an unprecedented amount of high-quality data. A very large number of different experiments, aimed at observing the universe from the very early times of the Cosmic Microwave Background till the latest evolution of the Large Scale Structure, are currently testing cosmological models and measuring cosmological parameters at percent and sub-percent level. The 35th annual IAP conference will therefore be dedicated to cosmology. It will be a landmark of our current understanding of the universe in a moment of transition between the two largest ESA missions on this subject, the Planck satellite, whose final data release happened mid-2018, and Euclid, slated for launch in 2021.

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