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CATF — China Aviation Training Forum 2018

5th December 2018 - 6th December 2018
Guanghan City, China


According to ‘2018 Boeing Pilot and Technician Outlook’, the demand for civil aviation pilots in Asia Pacific region will be 261,000 from 2018 to 2037. China takes nearly half proportion of this demand. Boeing predicted that, in the year of 2037, China will double the amount of its aircraft fleet, which means China need to increase around 128,000 pilots in the next 20 years. With the continuous development of transportation routes, new type of aircraft fleet started to deliver, such as mass production stage of Boeing 777X, it will operate next year; recently, Airbus 350XWB has successfully delivered to Air China; the Chinese made C919 trunk line aircraft also made its test flights; the Chinese made ARJ 21 regional aircraft already start its airline operation as well. Aircraft OEMs start to promote their latest product in Chinese market, which is an urgent call for increasing professional pilots, technicians, cockpit crews and instructors to match the demand in a short period of time. Against this backdrop, ‘4th Annual China Aviation Training Forum 2018’ will be held on December 5th - 6th, 2018 in Guanghan city.

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