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Gordon Research Conference — Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms

31st March 2019 - 5th April 2019
Lucca (Barga), Italy


Disorders of heart rhythm are leading causes of sudden death and stroke. Recent progress in elucidating molecular, cellular and systems level mechanisms have promoted new concepts that have inspired more effective treatment strategies. The 2019 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms will emphasize the multiscale nature of current challenges in understanding arrhythmia biology, and highlight emerging multidisciplinary investigational and therapeutic approaches in this important field. The long-term objective of this meeting is to provide a forum for investigators – junior, mid-level and senior – to engage in focused discussion on the latest discoveries in the field of cardiac arrhythmia mechanisms. The meeting fosters the development of trainees by supporting an associated Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) on Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms at which trainees will present their research findings, as well as in a panel discussion with mentors on matters of career pathways and professional development. This 2019 GRC will integrate topics ranging from the atomic, molecular and organ levels to the translation of basic science discoveries to improve treatment outcomes. Highlights will include new applications of cutting edge technologies, genetic and genomic mechanisms, complex mechanisms regulating heart rhythm, and the future trajectory of antiarrhythmic therapies. Approximately 50 speakers/discussion leaders will be selected to present cutting-edge work that is mostly unpublished. Poster sessions will provide additional opportunity for collegial interactions. Participants are encouraged to register early, as the meeting has been oversubscribed during the last three offerings.

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