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Gordon Research Seminar — Assisted Circulation

8th June 2019 - 9th June 2019
Castelldefels, Spain


The Gordon Research Seminar will be held the day prior to the GRC and provides a unique forum for graduate students, postgraduate students and scientists to present their work to discuss cutting edge aspects of their research and build collaborative relationships with their colleagues in the field of mechanically assisted circulation. The seminar begins with a keynote addressed by a senior scientist followed by selected young investigator presentations based upon their original research followed by peer-facilitated discussions and commentary by senior mentors. The motto of the seminar is -Hic Sunt Leones,- which was used in the past to indicate uncharted geographical territories; here it recalls the need to explore new research areas in the field of mechanically assisted circulation. The scientific focus of the meeting is to present novel research and foster discussion about the development and engineering of mechanical circulatory support (MCS) devices, as well as all aspects of clinical management of patients who require them. From a variety of voices, including those of engineers, clinical providers, and LVAD specialists, we will discuss a broad range of topics charting the future of MCS, from LVAD design and materials to impact on physiology to modifications geared towards minimizing clinical complications.

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