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Mayo Clinic 13th Annual Practical Course in Dermoscopy & Update on Malignant Melanoma 2018

7th December 2018 - 9th December 2018
Scottsdale, United States


Course Directors: James W. Jakub, M.D., Aaron R. Mangold, M.D. and David L. Swanson, M.D. This three-day course will provide the attendee with a multidisciplinary review of standard of care management practices and state-of-the-art advances in care of the patient with cutaneous melanoma. The first day will focus on epidemiology, prevention, pathology, surgical treatment and advances in systemic therapy for patients with melanoma. There will be breakout sessions focused on surgery, medical oncology and introduction to dermoscopy. The last two days are an in-depth immersion into dermoscopy for imaging of melanocytic and nonmelanocytic skin lesions. Participants will develop practical skills that will enable them to be more comfortable approaching patients with atypical skin lesions. This dermoscopy section is primarily targeted to clinicians, but NPs/PAs and residents with a focus on this field will find it valuable as well. The intended audience is dermatologists, surgeons, oncologists, physicians in internal medicine, family practice and general practitioners.

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