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The 19th International Vasculitis and ANCA Workshop 2019

7th April 2019 - 10th April 2019
Philadelphia, United States


The overall objective of the 19th International Vasculitis & ANCA Workshop is to bring together biomedical scientists and clinicians, including new investigators, junior faculty, and trainees, who are interested in basic and translational science discoveries, data from clinical trials, and advances in clinical assessment, to discuss pathophysiology, genetics/genomics, biomarkers, and standard of care and novel therapies for vasculitis, for the purpose of advancing knowledge in understanding the underlying mechanisms and management of this complex and fascinating group of rare diseases. The Workshop will be multi-disciplinary and multi-professional. The Workshop is a unique venue for addressing the clinical and scientific complexities and broad scope of organ involvement that are the hallmarks of the vasculitides, ranging from small to large vessel diseases. Researchers who may otherwise have little opportunity to cross paths, given their varied specialties and geographic locations, are provided with an environment to interact and share ideas.

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