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Revise Nephrology

28th September 2019 - 29th September 2019
SYDNEY, Australia


The Revise Nephrology course is aimed at providing a comprehensive understanding of renal medicine including dialysis and transplantation. While common conditions in various medical sub-specialties are relatively well understood for e.g. CCF and ACS in Cardiology, COPD and respiratory failure in Respiratory Medicine or cirrhosis in Gastroenterology etc., many of the common cases one comes across in Nephrology e.g. workup of acute kidney injury, differential diagnosis of glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome and the various renal tubular acidosis are not well understood. The aim of this course is to create a platform on which renal topics which are of interest from a professional and examination point of view will be discussed in a comprehensive and easy language. Lectures will be backed by topic-wise multiple choice questions with discussions around them. It is hoped that the course will help in preparation for fellowship exams but also, more importantly, help equip trainees, including interns and residents who intend to enter Basic Physician Training with improved knowledge and a practical approach to renal management.

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