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Gordon Research Seminar — Excitatory Synapses and Brain Function

8th June 2019 - 9th June 2019
University of New England, Biddeford, ME, United States


Synapses are the fundamental building blocks of neural circuits, and synaptic excitation serves the basis of coding information in single neurons. The Gordon Research Seminar (GRS), -Excitatory Synapses and Brain Function- brings together graduate students and postdoctoral researchers and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education engaged in cutting edge research on excitatory synapses to present and exchange their new, exciting results and discuss emerging themes in the field. The GRS aims to bridge molecular, cellular and circuit level research involving synapse function. This main focus of the meeting will be on signalling mechanisms that underlie synapse specificity and plasticity. Computational modelling of synapse function using experimental data will be encouraged. The meeting will also provide young scientists a non-intimidating venue for professional development through a career development and mentoring session with speakers from academia and industry.

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