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Optimization Methods in Computer Vision and Image Processing

29th April 2019 - 3rd May 2019
ICERM, Brown University, Providence, United States


Optimization appears in many computer vision and image processing problems such as image restoration (denoising, inpainting, compressed sensing), multi-view reconstruction, shape from X, object detection, image segmentation, optical flow, matching, and network training. While there are formulations allowing for global optimal optimization, e.g. using convex objectives or exact combinatorial algorithms, many problems in computer vision and image processing require efficient approximation methods. Optimization methods that are widely used range from graph-based techniques and convex relaxations to greedy approaches (e.g. gradient descent). Each method has different efficiency and optimality guarantees. The goal of this workshop is a broad discussion of mathematical models (objectives and constraints) and robust efficient optimization methods (exact or approximate, discrete or continuous) addressing existing issues and advancing the state of the art.

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