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ICPAT-12 — 12th International Conference on Plasma Assisted Technologies

2nd September 2019 - 5th September 2019
Yalta, Crimea, Russia


ICPAT will provide a forum to present and discuss scientific and engineering aspects of different plasma based technologies, including plasma generation, fuels ignition, plasma assisted combustion, hydrocarbons conversion and activation, coal gasification and combustion, gases ionization, waste destruction for power generation, plasma enhanced propulsion, pollutions reduction, surface modifications, new and nano structures production, water, wood, and construction materials treatment, and production of hydrogen-enriched gases. ICPAT will help to bridge a gap between theoretical investigations and industrial needs. ICPAT will have at least 15 sections with further round tables: 1. Plasma Generation, Diagnostics, and Modeling 2. Plasma Ignition and Flame Control 3. Fuel Reformation and Activation 4. Plasma Flow Dynamics 5. Plasma Kinetics 6. Electric Propulsion, including deep space propulsion 7. Power Sources 8. New Plasma Effects and Perspective Applications 9. Coal, Bio-mass, and Waste Gasification, Processing into Energy and Chemicals 10. Water Treatment 11. Plasma Treatment for Coatings and Surface Modification 12. Nano-structures production 13. Plasma Mining and Mineral Processing 14. Planetary life support systems 15. Plasma for agriculture ICPAT-12 will announce and honor new members of the International Council of Plasma Assisted Combustion Experts. To follow the ICPAT-s tradition we plan several special sub-forums within the main event on the most promising technologies, as production of stable isotopes and nano-structures, including boron nitride nano-tubes, water purification, and others.

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