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29. Deutscher Hautkrebskongress — 29. Deutscher Hautkrebskongress

12th September 2019 - 14th September 2019
Ludwigshafen, Germany


In our field of expertise and in the entire medical field: knowledge protects! On the one hand, in-depth scientific knowledge and skills in diagnosis and therapy as well as further research into skin cancer will help; on the other hand, it will also help to gain basic knowledge on the dangers of skin cancer and its prevention. This is what the annual conference of the ADO stands for: a professional update for physicians and the participating treatment team as well as the opportunity to obtain reliable information as a patient or interested party. The program of the ADO 2019 will reflect the current state of knowledge of our department and introduce the latest dermato-oncological studies. We look forward to international experts, such as John Haanen (Netherlands Cancer Institute), Alex Stratigos (University of Athens Medical School) and Nobel Laureate Stefan Hell (Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry), who will be highlighting as keynote speakers. Stefan Hell, who was honored with the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2014, will also give special input to young scientists in another session. We are happy and proud to invite you to the ADO in Ludwigshafen this year and that the Dermatological Clinic Ludwigshafen will host and frame the annual conference. Incorporated into the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region, everyone benefits from close technical and organizational cooperation with the sister hospitals in Mannheim and Heidelberg. Be cordially invited to the ADO 2019 in Ludwigshafen!

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