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The Herbert Benson, MD Course in Mind Body Medicine

23rd October 2019 - 25th October 2019
Boston, MA, United States


Mind body approaches such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, cognitive skills, lifestyle interventions and positive psychology now boast an impressive evidence base to support their ability to improve—and in some cases, prevent—stress-related illnesses, ranging from asthma to hypertension, functional bowel diseases and pain syndromes. Whether you are a physician, nurse, psychologist, social worker or therapist, this highly rated Harvard Medical School CME course, which sold out last year, provides you with evidence-based, comprehensive education to incorporate mind body medicine skills into your practice. It teaches: The latest data on stress, stress management, and resilience enhancement, and their impacts on patient health and treatment options ---The mind body approaches that form the foundation of modern self-care ---When, where and how you can employ mind body approaches to enhance patient care ---Practical skills to guide your patients in the use of self-care techniques --- Education on genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics and how to leverage recent advances in the neuroimaging of contemplative states --- Opportunities for certification

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