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AVFOP — Avionics and Vehicle Fiber-Optics and Photonics Conference

10th November 2015 - 12th November 2015
Santa Barbara, United States


In recent years, the aerospace, land, and sea vehicle industries have made great strides deploying fiber optics and photonics technology on commercial and military platforms. This trend will continue to grow as fiber optic system architectures, networking schemes, and components evolve and mature. AVFOP conference provides an indispensable international forum for the academic, industry, and government R&D community developing fiber-optic / photonic components and system technologies for avionics. While from the beginning the topics discussed and solicited have been inclusive of all mobile platforms, this year, in addition to avionics, we would like to specifically encourage papers covering  fiber optic / photonics technologies across mobile platforms, on  surface ships, submarines, and ground vehicles. The AVFOP conference has attracted a strong group of exhibitors in past years and we expect this trend to continue, providing the participants with an opportunity for direct interaction with vendors during the conference.

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