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DASC — Digital Avionics Systems Conference

13th September 2015 - 17th September 2015
Praha, Czech Republic


New Avionics systems in the area of Communication, Navigation and Surveillance serve as a key enabler for future Air Traffic Management. To ensure that airlines equip in time, mandates for new and existing aircraft have been proposed. This year, the impact of global mandates on avionics research and development has been chosen as the conference theme. Both our Plenary and Technical Sessions will be addressing the theme and will include many people from around the world discussing how their countries and organizations are responding to the mandates.    A special track will focus on whether there is a need for mandates that address cyber-related vulnerabilities in the CNS infrastructure. In this context, papers are being sought that address security threats and vulnerabilities of communication and navigation systems in terms of information integrity, their potential impact on safety, human factors aspects related to the detection of sudden inconsistencies in the available information, and technical mitigations such as improvements in the area of information authentication. 

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