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EDM 2020 — 13th International Conference on Educational Data Mining

10th July 2020 - 13th July 2020
Ifrane, Morocco


Educational Data Mining is a leading international forum for high-quality research that mines datasets to answer educational research questions, including exploring how people learn and how they teach. These data may originate from a variety of learning contexts, including learning and information management systems, interactive learning environments, intelligent tutoring systems, educational games, and data-rich learning activities. Educational data mining considers a wide variety of types of data, including but not limited to raw log files, student-produced artifacts, discourse, and multimodal streams such as eye-tracking and other sensor data. The overarching goal of the Educational Data Mining research community is to support learners and teachers more effectively, by developing data-driven understandings of the learning and teaching processes in a wide variety of contexts and for diverse learners.

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