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APPEEC — PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference

15th November 2015 - 18th November 2015
Brisbane, Australia


The IEEE-PES Power Engineering and Energy conference aims to bring together the leading power engineering researchers and industry practitioners present to discuss the latest developments on emerging power industry issues, of critical importance. This is your opportunity to learn the newest innovations and technologies that will be essential in successfully developing the power system of the future, as well as the changes and challenges confronting the industry along the way.  You will hear researchers from the region’s leading power engineering universities and research centres explain their latest technical discoveries, and listen to utility executives and practicing power industry engineers discuss their challenges, experiences and solutions. The conference will cover a broad range of power industry topics, including the challenges of rapidly growing economies, managing ageing infrastructure in developed countries, and, the network integration problems of intermittent renewable generation and distributed technologies.

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