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METAL 2020 — 29th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials

20th May 2020 - 22nd May 2020
Brno, Czech Republic


29th International Metallurgical and Materials Conference is a traditional meeting of metallurgists, material engineers, managers and other participants. The conference is organized in a plenary session, 6 sessions, a poster session, accompanying workshops and an exhibition, where you can access the latest technological information and exchange experience and opinions with other experts from Europe, Middle East, Asia, Africa, South America and US. An opportunity to become acquainted with the results of research and development in metallurgy and materials in the Czech Republic and abroad as well as with concrete applications and to meet the world-s leading scientists working on metallurgy and materials have participants of the 29th international conference METAL 2020. This event is organized by the company TANGER Ltd. on 20th – 22nd May 2020 in Brno in cooperation with the VSB - Technical University Ostrava.

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