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SICB 2020 — 2020 Annual Meeting

3rd January 2020 - 7th January 2020
Austin TX, United States


This competition is open to SICB members who are undergraduate or graduate students. Recent graduates who have received a Ph.D. within one year of the annual meeting date are also eligible. Botany is defined broadly for this award, including the study of algae, fungi, lichens, mosses, ferns, conifers and flowering plants. For the 2020 SICB meeting in Austin, the award will be a $2000 grant for the student winner to use for any aspect of research support including research travel, conference travel, field station fees, equipment, supplies, books, memberships, subscriptions, etc. Selection will be based first on an extended abstract (1 page with a figure) submitted in addition to the standard short SICB abstract. A subset of these extended abstracts will be selected for presentation in a special Organismal Botany Award Session and the award winner selected based on the oral presentations. Presentations will be 12 minutes with 3 minutes for questions.

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