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Mayo Clinic Psychiatry in Medical Settings 2020

30th January 2020 - 1st February 2020
Scottsdale , AZ, United States


Course Directors: Robert P. Bright, M.D. and Jeffrey P. Staab, M.D. The Psychiatry in Medical Settings course returns for its ninth year. The course will provide up to date reviews of treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, delirium, somatic symptom problems, substance use disorders, and suicide risk in medical-surgical patients. Special populations will be covered including patients with cancer, patients undergoing transplants, and women in their reproductive years. Each day will include a Featured Topic that will be covered in depth by a group of medical and behavioral specialists through well-coordinated didactic presentations, panel discussions and interactive workshops. Featured Topics for 2020 will be Functional GI Disorders, Dermatology, and Infectious Disease.

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