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19th November 2015 - 20th November 2015
Rome, Italy


Few days before the COP21 in Paris, the Italian Scientific Community organizes an event in Rome aiming at fostering the international scientific debate on climate change.ROME2015 – SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM ON CLIMATE will focus on the multidisciplinary dimension of Climate Sciences in order to address the advances in Climate Sciences, Adaptation and Climate Impacts, Mitigation Strategies. The Conference aims to involve scientists, researchers and policy makers to provide a focused summary of the key impacts of climate and climate change on natural and socio-economic environments, and highlight needed response actions and related policies on adaptation and mitigation activities, ahead of the UNFCCC Conference of Parties in Paris, COP21, on Dec 2015. IMPORTANT DATES September 20, 2015: deadline for submission of short abstracts October 15, 2015: notification of acceptance November 3, 2015: deadline for online registration ROME2015 – SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM ON CLIMATE, hosted by FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, is an initiative by: SISC – Società Italiana per le Scienze del Clima AGI – Associazione Geofisica Italiana AIEAR – Associazione Italiana degli Economisti dell’Ambiente e delle Risorse naturali COI – Commissione Oceanografica Italiana GII – Gruppo italiano di Idraulica ATIt – Associazione Teriologica Italiana SMI – Società Meteorologica Italiana SIF – Società Italiana di Fisica CATAP – Coordinamento delle Associazioni Tecnico-scientifiche per l’Ambiente ed il Paesaggio HOS – Historical Oceanography Society UNASA – Unione delle Accademie di Agricoltura

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