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Galaxy evolution: from cosmic dawn to the Milky Way with the ESA Euclid mission and ESO telescopes

21st September 2020 - 25th September 2020
Madrid, Spain


Euclid is a high profile ESA mission to be launched mid 2022 aimed at characterizing with unprecedented accuracy the properties of Dark Energy by mapping the evolution of the large-scale structures of the Universe over the past 10 billions years. Euclid will have a major impact on galaxy formation from cosmic dawn to the present time. At lower redshift, Euclid will provide the equivalent of SDSS-quality images of redshift 0.1 galaxies out to redshift 0.7, for detailed morphological studies. Realizing the full potential of these programmes requires, however, follow-up spectroscopic observations of the photometrically selected samples. The workshop will address ESA/ESO synergies.

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