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D4 — D4 Data Driven Drug Development

23rd September 2020 - 24th September 2020
Basel, Switzerland;_medium=listing&utm;_campaign=d4europe&utm;_term=mediapartner


Real data. Real case studies. Real evidence. Real connections. D4 Europe is about finding the golden nuggets. Uncovering the truth. Benchmarking against other pharma. Learning from successes and failures. Understanding the context behind the results. Seeing the evidence – the actual data generated in projects. Getting past the headlines, into the substance. And importantly, understanding where you will see real, near term results in your pharma R&D.; To achieve those things requires a more intimate meeting. One where you can meet and spend time with other attendees, as well as learn from the talks and discussions on the agenda. D4 Europe was designed by pharma, for pharma – a friendly gathering of around 120 people. It’s about bringing back tools, tactics and ideas that will make a difference to your drug discovery and development programs now. Not in 10 years’ time. Patients are waiting.

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