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LAGOS 2021 — XI Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium

17th May 2021 - 21st May 2021
So Paulo - ONLINE Conference, Brazil


LAGOS 2021 will be held on May 17-21 2021, a virtual conference, originally scheduled to be in São Paulo, Brazil. The previous editions were held in Fortaleza, Brazil (GRACO 2001), Santiago, Chile (LACGA 2004), Angra dos Reis, Brazil (GRACO 2005), Puerto Varas, Chile (LAGOS 2007), Gramado, Brazil (LAGOS 2009), Bariloche, Argentina (LAGOS 2011), Playa del Carmen, Mexico (LAGOS 2013), Fortaleza, Brazil (LAGOS 2015), Marseille, France (LAGOS 2017), and Belo Horizonte, Brazil (LAGOS 2019). More information on the history of LAGOS can be found in the memory page. This year-s edition will be very special because we will celebrate the 70th birthday of our beloved Yoshiko Wakabayashi.

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