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28th May 2021 - 29th May 2021
Virtual, Netherlands


What a year for all of us and certainly a lot of time to think about our World and our future! We hope that you and your loved ones have been safe and that you continue to fight against cancer for our patients without too much trouble in your practice. 2021 is now approaching and more decisions have to be made. It is now clear that the ESVONC Congress will have to go virtual next year. Booking venues, flights, hotels so far in advance is just impossible for all of us at this stage. I am sure many of you have had a chance to attend one of the virtual meetings that took place this year. It is certainly not a model we wish to use permanently in the future (we would miss each other too much and go crazy!), but it was reassuring to see that the technology allows for such events to be real successes.

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