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Mayo Clinic Advancements in Surgical & Medical Management of the Spine 2022

19th February 2022 - 23rd February 2022
Kohala Coast, HI, United States


This 5-day course will address the spectrum of spine diseases via didactics, case studies, and panel discussions, whether it is secondary to trauma, deformity, or common degenerative conditions. A unique split curriculum covers strategies for both surgical spine management and nonoperative approaches, including epidemiology, clinical anatomy, biomechanics, clinical assessment, and spine imaging review. Spinal injection strategies for various common spinal conditions, safety, and efficacy will be examined, as well as, post traumatic surgical management, adjacent segment disease issues, and comparison between various surgical techniques such as motion preserving and fusion. An emphasis on differential diagnosis and the global burden of spine disease will be discussed and debated. One session will be devoted to methods of pain control in patients with spinal disorders, satisfying state requirements for prescriber opioid education.

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