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2nd Food Structure and Functionality Forum Symposium

28th February 2016 - 2nd March 2016
Singapore, Singapore


The Food Structure and Functionality Forum (FSFF) is delighted to announce the 2nd Food Structure and Functionality Forum Symposium: From Molecules to Functionality, to be held in Singapore from the 28 February to the 2 March 2016. The conference will highlight the latest research efforts in food structuring and de-structuring. The FSFF is primarily focused on the structuring of food tailored towards end-user functionality (e.g., improved texture, taste perception, health, shelf stability). The conference will bring together experts in food engineering, food science, food technology and nutrition. This is a significant opportunity for you to join leaders from industry and academia to ensure you keep abreast of recent developments in this fast developing field and for you to network with your international colleagues.

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