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EUCCAN — 3rd EUropean Conference on child abus and neglect

25th May 2016 - 27th May 2016
Amsterdam, Netherlands


Child abuse and neglect is a universal and serious health care problem which affects all social layers of our society. Besides the direct consequences and costs of child abuse and neglect there are also significant long term consequences which affect the patient and our society for decades to come. In this conference we bring together a wide range of specialists in the field of child abuse and neglect, ranging from paediatricians to social workers to lawyers. The aim of our conference is, first of all, to present to the audience a state-of-the-art overview of this difficult field of expertise in health care. Secondly, we hope that by bringing together an international audience, cross-border cooperation can be established and attendees will form international social and professional relations. We hope to meet many of our international colleagues in Amsterdam.

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