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HEC 2016 Health - Exploring Complexity: An Interdisciplinary Systems Approach

28th August 2016 - 2nd September 2016
Munich, Germany


Interdisciplinary… The involved societies have longstanding experience in integrating the disciplines of Medical Informatics, Biometry, Epidemiology and Health Data Management. The collaboration will not only offer a unique opportunity for integration but also strengthen each of the disciplines involved both on a national and international level. Systems Approach to Health… In complex systems components are interacting. In our joint endeavors for better health for all we need methods taking interaction into account. This is about interaction of people with their environment, of clinical trials with information systems, of smart homes with epidemiological research, of health data management with economics, of clinical research with systems biology and much more. Because of this complexity we need new models which are able to integrate all these various aspects. Exploring… Surely, the conference will not be able to deliver all solutions needed to provide health for all in Europe and the world. But we promise to present a manifold and thus exciting scientific field which is attractive to explore and to learn from. Complexity… The complexity of our scientific fields may mislead to just focus on one’s own narrow field of expertise. The conference will provide a unique opportunity to experience complexity as a personal gain.

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