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European Skull Base Congress

26th May 2016 - 28th May 2016
Berlin, Germany


The European Skull Base Society was founded in 1993 as an interdisciplinary scientific society with the aim to enhance knowledge, improve surgical and nonsurgical therapeutic techniques and promote research and education for the sake of our patients suffering from skull base diseases. From the very beginning it was clear, that cooperation among people and disciplines will be one of the keys for progress and success. Since 1993 many changes happened and many new stars appeared at the stage, neuronavigation and endoscopy just to name a few, others disappeared. However one star remained which is a prerequisite for persisting success and a main component in our armamentarium for the therapy of skull base lesions. It is interdisciplinarity founded on friendship and cooperation. The theme of the Congress of the ESBS is therefore „connecting disciplines – creating success“.

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