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HKU O & G 90th Anniversary Celebration-Symposium : Past, Present and Future of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

14th November 2015 - 15th November 2015
Hong Kong, China


A scientific symposium will be held on 14-15 November 2015 at the Cheung Kung Hai Conference Centre, Faculty of Medicine Building, The University of Hong Kong. A celebration dinner will be held on 14 November 2015 at Loke Yew Hall, The University of Hong Kong. Targeted attendants of our symposium will include specialists and trainees in obstetrics and gynaecology in Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China, current staff (including doctors, nurses and scientists) and past clinical staff of our Department, as well as current staff and students of The University of Hong Kong as well as Queen Mary and Tsan Yuk Hospitals.

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