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Hot Topics: Cluster Algebras and Wall-Crossing

28th March 2016 - 1st April 2016
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, United States


Cluster algebras were introduced in 2001 by Fomin and Zelevinsky to capture the combinatorics of canonical bases and total positivity in semisimple Lie groups. Since then they have revealed a rich combinatorial and group-theoretic structure, and have had significant impact beyond these initial subjects, including string theory, algebraic geometry, and mirror symmetry. Recently Gross, Hacking, Keel and Kontsevich released a preprint introducing mirror symmetry techniques into the subject which resolved several long-standing conjectures, including the construction of canonical bases for cluster algebras and positivity of the Laurent phenomenon. This preprint reformulates the basic construction of cluster algebras in terms of scattering diagrams (or wall-crossing structures). This leads to the proofs of the conjectures and to new constructions of elements of cluster algebras. But fundamentally they provide a new tool for thinking about cluster algebras. The workshop will bring together many of the different users of cluster algebras to achieve a synthesis of these new techniques with many of the different aspects of the subject. There will be lecture series on the new techniques, and other lecture series on connections with Lie theory, quiver representation theory, mirror symmetry, string theory, and stability conditions.

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