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What are criteria for a suitable foundation of mathematicsya-- Homotopy Type Theory, a new interesting alternative to set theoryya

18th July 2016 - 23rd July 2016
Bielefeld, Germany


This interdisciplinary workshop, designed as a hybrid between summer school and research conference, is aimed at students and researchers from the fields of mathematics, philosophy and computer science. The confirmed invited speakers include: P. Aczel, B. Ahrens, T. Altenkirch, C. Ballarin, M. Bezem, U. Buchholtz, I. Dimitriou, R. Krapf, J. Ladyman, B. LA¶we, A. Pitts, A. Rodin, U. Schreiber, B. Spitters, T. Streicher, C. Ternullo, and V. Voevodsky. The organizers are: B. Grabmayr, D. Kant, L. KA¼hne, D. Sarikaya, and M. ViehstA¤dt.

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