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BDTA 2016 - 7th EAI International Conference on Big Data Technologies and Applications

17th November 2016 - 18th November 2016
Seoul, South Korea


Due to the explosive evolution of Information Technology and Computer Science, we have entered in the Big Data Age, and this is really a scientific revolution, not just a fashion. As always, the technological aspects evolve faster than the scientific community mentality. Transforming Big Data into Big Knowledge and developing a new kind of Knowledge-Based Systems require new visions and approaches. Companies, facing the Big Data challenges, are moving faster in the right direction than the scientific community, being under a stronger competitive pressure. They were forced to renounce to wishful thinking, like the idea that a few variables, embedded in a few rules, discovered using the old fashion statistics, will give intelligent support for business decisions. We have to do the same for developing various applications.

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