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CCC - Cybersecurity and Cyberforensics Conference

26th July 2016 - 28th July 2016
Amman, Jordan


Cyber security has become an important research and development area for academia, government, and industry in recent years. The advent of big data, social media and mobile technology growth and the coming of the internet of things (IoT) have led to new opportunities in cyber security and cyber forensic work. To counter this, a multidisciplinary effort involving stakeholders from cyber security, the legal profession, academia, public citizens, and law enforcement agencies is required. The Cyber security and Cyber forensics Conference (CCC 2016) brings together thought-leaders from these separate fields to discuss current and future approaches, technologies and legislation pertinent to the detection, prevention, investigation and prosecution of cybercrime and cyber attacks. The conference offers an interdisciplinary venue to discuss challenges, technologies, and emerging trends.

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