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ISEDM 2016 - The 6th International Symposium on Earth Hazard and Disaster Mitigation

11th October 2016 - 12th October 2016
Bandung, Indonesia


ISEDM (International Symposium on Earth Hazard and Disaster Mitigation) is an annual disaster symposium event that has been held since 2011 in Bandung, Indonesia. ISEDM is a forum for researchers and scholars of different disciplines who have interests in earth sciences and disaster mitigation to share the research findings and discuss the related topics. ISEDM will provide a platform for researchers on earthquake and related geohazard for disaster risk reduction in Indonesia. This symposium has published the proceedings of the Procedia Elsevier (ISEDM 2013), AIP Conference (ISEDM 2014) and the AIP Conference (ISEDM 2015) which is currently in the review process. In 2016, the committee will continue to organize the International Symposium on Earth-hazard and Disaster Mitigation a€“ ISEDM 6th. As in previous years, this symposium will invite researchers and students in the field of earthquake, tsunami, landslides, volcanoes, floods and disaster mitigation from Indonesia and abroad.

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