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Asilomar Conference — Native Mass Spectrometry-based Structural Biology

16th October 2015 - 20th October 2015
Pacific Grove, CA, United States


Native mass spectrometry provides a means to interrogate the structure of large biomolecules and complexes from a non-denaturing solution environment. The method has now matured and found its way into integrated structural biology projects, primarily to establish the unknown architecture of large protein complexes and molecular machineries. “Biomolecular Interactions” was the topic of the 2003 Asilomar Conference, but there has been many advancements since then, including the introduction of new mass analyzers, improvements in sample handling ionization techniques, the rapid adoption of ion mobility spectrometry, and the application of different ion activation methods to elucidate structure of and interactions within protein assemblies. New areas of application have emerged, focusing on the structures of e.g. viruses, membrane proteins, biopharmaceuticals and signaling nodes.

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