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Gordon Research Conference & Seminar "Origins of Life"

16th January 2016 - 22nd January 2016
Galveston, United States


Understanding life's origins requires input from many different academic disciplines. Our state of knowledge is developing quickly in recent years as complementary research initiatives, such as "astrobiology" and "artificial life" bring new perspectives, new faces and new information to bear. Even among traditional elements of the field, a major source of progress has been increased flow of information across traditional disciplinary boundaries, as the perceived value of multi- and inter-disciplinary scientific research has risen and teaching has evolved to match. Gordon Research Seminars are a series of highly successful and unique meetings that enable early-career researchers to become involved at the frontiers of science by sharing with established world leading scientists. In 2016, we seek to break new ground in developing these connections, emphasizing their vital importance to a fast-moving, interdisciplinary field

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