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Quantitative Linear Algebra

19th March 2018 - 15th June 2018
Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), United States


The program lies at the juncture of mathematics and theoretical computer science in a quest for quantitative answers to finite-dimensional questions. The program brings together topics from a number of important directions, including discrepancy theory, spectral graph theory, random matrices, geometric group theory, ergodic theory, von Neumann algebras, as well as specific research directions such as the Kadison-Singer problem, the Connes embedding conjecture and the Grothendieck inequality. A very important aspect of the program is its aim to deepen the link between research communities working on some infinite-dimensional functional analysis problems that occur in geometric group theory, ergodic theory, von Neumann algebras; and some quantitative finite-dimensional ones that occur in spectral graph theory, random matrices, combinatorial optimization, and the Kadison-Singer problem.

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