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XXX National Seminar of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics "Francesco Romano"

5th June 2018 - 12th June 2018
Otranto, Italy


The National Seminar of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics on its XXX Edition has become interNational! The Seminar, also known as School of Otranto, has traditionally proposed a pioneering approach in combining scientific and applicative topics, with emphasis on social-economical and industrial implications of the research. Starting from the very first editions, the School has assumed as its goal to train a new model of researcher, able to communicate efficiently with the general public, the industry, the financial and political institutions, and to get an economical gain from the outcome of the research through the transfer of knowledge and technology towards the production system. The Seminar is open to participation of graduate students, post-doc and young researchers active at Universities and Research Institutes.

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