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IWARA2018 — 8th International Workshop on Astronomy and Relativistic Astrophysics

9th September 2018 - 15th September 2018
Ollantaytambo, Sacred Valley, Peru


The intimate relationship between quarks and cosmos has motivated the organization of the series of international events known by the acronym IWARA – International Workshop on Astronomy and Relativistic Astrophysics. The event is the eighth in a series of meetings gathering scientists working on astronomy, astro-particle physics, cosmology, gravitation, general relativity, compact stars, high-energy physics, field theory, QCD, nuclear physics, and related topics. As in previous years, the IWARA 2018 meeting sessions will consist of invited and contributed talks, and poster sessions. The event is organized by Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria – UNI (Lima, Peru) and the Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco - UNSAAC (Cusco, Peru).

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