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Green Bank Observatory Single Dish Training School

19th May 2018 - 23rd May 2018
Green Bank Observatory 155 Observatory Rd P.O. Box 2 Green Bank, United States


The Green Bank Telescope (GBT) Single Dish Training School will provide students, post-docs, and experts in other fields of astronomy with both knowledge and practical experience of the techniques and applications of single-dish radio astronomy using the GBT as the primary example. The school will be based around an intensive series of lectures from experts, as well as hands-on radio-astronomy projects and tutorials. Topics to be covered include radio telescope fundamentals, key single-dish science areas, observing and calibration techniques, the impact of weather, the GBT observing procedures and software, and data reduction. The school will be held once per year. An intensive GBT remote observer training workshop will be held immediately following the school for those who wish to obtain remote observing certification.

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