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Plant epi/genetics — Plant epi/genetics: From basic research to plant breeding

29th October 2018 - 31st October 2018
Angers, France


“Plant epi/genetics” is an international conference on epigenetics and transposable elements. The aim of this conference is to bring together experts, novices, students and breeders to exchange and discuss their latest results in the fields of plant epigenetics and transposable elements. The conference will range from fundamental research to applications in crop breeding programs. Plant breeding companies are encouraged to join and participate at this meeting. The invited keynote speakers are: Isabel Bäurle, Claude Becker, Tetsuji Kakutani, Marie Mirouze, Olivier Panaud, Bob Schmitz, Nathan Springer, Clémentine Vitte and Jian-Kang Zhu.

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