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FASEB SRC: Nutritional Immunology and the Microbiota: Rules of Engagement in Health and Disease

24th June 2018 - 29th June 2018
Leesburg, VA, United States


This FASEB SRC will bring nutritionists, immunologists and microbiologists together to learn about recent scientific advances and the cutting edge experimental approaches being used at the intersections of these fields of research. This cross-disciplinary SRC is a unique opportunity for experts in nutrition, immunology and microbiology to interact and develop new ideas in a small and intimate environment. The objective for this meeting is to help attendees better understand the mechanisms whereby host diet and nutritional status influence the gut microbiota and the immune system to maintain health, optimize resistance to infectious diseases and decrease the risk or progression of chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, immune-senescence, chronic inflammation, gastrointestinal disorders, autoimmune diseases and asthma.

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